Wednesday 6 January 2016

5 Easiest But Fruitful Ways to Lose Weight

There is no magic wand to lose weight. Most claims are baseless scams or with harmful side effects. You are better off fat than sick. Dedicated and tactical approach can be your key to succeed in any endeavor. I have compiled few ways suggested by experts. These are the most easiest ways but if followed religiously, you will definitely succeed in loosing weight.  Presenting weight loose methods with no side-effects. You can thank me later :D

Don’t diet: Studies have found that restricting yourself from food is a possible indicator of future weight gain. Consciously eat healthy food which will help you to stay fit and happy. Provide the necessary nourishment to your body, than depriving it.

Get a Medical Checkup: Unusual weight gain might result due to medical conditions, hormonal problem, medication etc. Stop panicking and go for a medical checkup. Prevention is cheaper and better than cure.

Alternative Path: Ayurveda and yoga have helped people to maintain good health. Consult an Ayurveda practitioner for remedies and dietary modifications.  Yoga has great benefits in terms of weight loss. Your regular investment of 30 minutes of time can have immense benefit to help you lose weight. The most important thing is doing the right yoga and meditation at the right time. So, try to learn it from an expert. BTW, there are several online resources that you can use as a starter pack.

Hack it: The main fat storage hormone in human body is insulin. Lowering the insulin level means fat can easily go out of the body. Sugar and starch are the main insulin simulators. Cut back on sugar and carbohydrate based food and you will find the difference. Include protein, fat and low carb based vegetable in your regular diet.

Burn Calories: You can hit the gym few times and week and continue with the regular workout including weight lifts. Walk between office hours when you tend to sit most of the time. Try cleaning floors or washing clothes as alternatives. Walk or jog regularly for more than 30 minutes to feel the difference.

Try to follow these techniques. It’s time to walk out from my workstation to go for a brief walk. Stay fit stay Healthy!

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